
Monday, May 9, 2011

Monday May9th, 2011

UGH!!! Camera is broken...ugh, so many cool things things to take pictures of....
I told Randy that you know spring has sprung and we are on our way into summer when our animal collection is beginning. Every year we have a zoo ( a very motley one at that) that starts to appear in our garage. Today began the collecting...three crayfish, or crawdads depending on where you live i suppose. Now, we are already down to two as one committed cannibalism upon the other, but the collecting has begun! This evokes a myriad of emotions in me. I believe that all animal should be allowed to roam free, to live their little lives greatly undisturbed by my children, HOWEVER, I cannot overlook the vast amount of knowledge and experience my children gain by this collecting. Having just fininshed Last Child in the Woods by Richard Louv , I can fully support their desire to want to collect, classify, study, categorize,and their attempt to corral nature. I want them to be excited by nature, to be enthralled by nature, to be in love with nature and all she has to offer. So begins our long and glorious summer...days at the creek, days in the backyard, days in the fort...carving out our own little niche of nature. Let the collecting begin!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for pointing me to your blog!! :) Hope the "poking out the eyeball" issue is all resolved! Happy belated Mother's Day!!!!
