
Saturday, May 14, 2011

Saturday May 14th, 2011 Bird catching, part deux

We are STILL trying to catch a bird....

This is very serious work around here, even backyard son comes to help
Harvesting the worms

unbeknownst to me, as usual when it comes to yard creatures, if you pour water on the dirt, the worms will come up for air...after all you are filling their air pockets with water

and they breathe air, so-o-o

when they come up for grab them! TAH-DAH!

and put them in a tub of water? because, also unbeknownst to me, yet told by our tutors Chris and Martin Kratt, worms cannot drown...which leads me to not understand why they come up for air if you fill their habitat with water???

Worm pool! Everyone in!!!

Then you have to find a sneaky place to hide

We are like the mailman, come rain, or sleet, or snow...nothing will get in the way of our adventures!

Don't forget to fight over who's going to hold the umbrella

and then move away once you've won, so that you only cover yourself-I've taught that boy well! hiding.....

waiting...without the selfish umbrella stealer

still empty...

1 comment:

  1. Ha!! I was going to say "but worms can't drown..."
    ...Which is something I learned from my babes... coulda gotten it from Wild Kratts, coulda gotten it from research. Cool! :)
