
Friday, March 18, 2011

Friday March 18th

I definitely have a hate hate relationship with my wireless connection in my house. Again, last night, I went to post a blog and the wireless went I lost my blog...grrr. So refreshed (?) I am writing from the desk top. We did have a very nice and lovely day yesterday, as opposed to today, as everyone down to thing 1 and thing 2 are CRABBY! We met friends at the park, forecast was 70, but apparently not at 10 am-we show up all hillbilly in our shorts and bare feet and others there are staring at us (nothing new here) bundled in their puffy jackets and mittens. The friends that we met are also foster parents and have thing 1 and thing 2's older (25months) twin brothers. It is so good to be with other foster parents as you really know where they are coming from, and so good for the brothers to be together. I am very fond of my friend who is always willing to take the little boys whenever I need a break, I'm sure she is glad she doesn't live closer! We began discussing homeschooling and unschooling at the park. I am always excited to talk about this subject, but I feel like when ever I get started I sound like I am trying to make excuses or justify what we do all day. Perhaps I am just not that confident in myself or the process yet. I am a true believer that learning can look like so many different things. Often times society thinks it is only in a classroom, or in circle time that real learning can take place. I watch and delight in the learning my children do everyday, everywhere! At night, I often sit and think,"what learning did happen today?" I am much more pleased with what I realize than looking at a bunch of worksheets that came home stuffed in a backback. One of the greatest reasons to homeschool, with whatever style you like is the fact that you have your children home all day with you. Yes, I said that was a great reason, I am a firm believer that children should not be sent out to be "taught" by someone else for 8+ hours a day. No offense to teachers, remember...I am one by trade and married to a very devoted teacher! So, what did learning look like today? Here's a peek:

Playing at the park, in the beautiful sunshine, digging in sand, running and jumping, using imaginations, and interacting with other childen.
Stopping to get GREEN milkshakes on the way home, and discussing how it got green in the first place (scary, that is)
Working on contraptions, traps and building defensive tactical weapons-great fun!
Learning about polar bear and walruses by our beloved tutors-Chris and Martin Kratt :)
Reading Chapter books
Continued work on intricate slide shows...this really amazes me folks, as I can hardly find the on switch on our desktop
Restaurant play, with our drive must order at one window and pay-see where I'm going? Making change! We even practice calling 911 as we have a pesky robber that likes to come every time we play.
Natural learning about force and inertia as we ride down our rather large hill in the back yard in the oversized tonka truck. THAT was the very best 30 bucks I ever spent!
Sid the science kid! Gotta love that! that is a fun science lesson in every episode- and so multicultural! Kudos to that great show! What did we learn? Simple machines, pulleys and levers.

I told ya! Living is learning...and it is everywhere!

1 comment:

  1. We had a great time at the park with you guys. My thing 1 and thing 2 actually slept past 6am this morning I think the park had something to do with that. I hope we can get together more often. I didnt get to pick your brain as much as I wanted to about the unschooling. Of course having to watch so the little ones didnt fall off of anything or leave with another family doesnt lead to much time for indepth conversations. I agree about the learning through living though. I am amazed at times what Elijah has learned this year being home with me. I just worry that I am not smart enough to teach him all he needs to know. Actually I disagree with one thing in this post. I would love to live closer. I love having the boys over, I love having another person that can fully understand my life and hey that would mean I would have a nearby babysitter as well. I have really enjoyed getting to know your family and it has helped me more than you know. I am enjoying reading your blog. Thanks for including us in your lives. Have a great weekend.
