
Sunday, June 19, 2011

Sunday June 19th, 2011 Drama in Pictures

Here are they play pics I you have to do a few things when you are watching a play.

When they yell "scene!" (usually at the very top of their lungs) You have to cover your eyes, like this...because that means scene change and well, we don't have a curtain!

You also must have an audience...pretend

and real.

They chopped and cut

read magical spells

kept animals safe!

and showed off their scenery making skills

There were death scenes...

amd "trusty steeds" (that looked an awful lot like an orange!)

had bad hair...

and overthrew sleeping princesses

by offering them poisonous potions!

They sliced and diced more...

and mixed up more potions....

until their own dinner time!

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