YMCA Gymnastics Nationals Toledo Ohio
June 22nd-June 24th 2011
Haven was a little nervous on the car trip there...

But we had best friends and little sisters there for support!

The Seagate Center in Toledo

The competition gym. If you are not familiar with gymnastics the girls compete in four events: floor, bars, beam and vault.

Toledo must have decorated frogs for a city wide art project. We did something similar in Cincinnati years ago, but we did pigs, not frogs. Trivia fact: Cincinnati used to be known as Porkopolis...because of all the pigs we slaughtered there....nice....

Even KISS was there!

During warm ups

A really bad, fuzzy team picture during team introductions

After the competition we had to wait, a really, really long time-we got there at 10:30pm

Some of us were hyped up and pushing the stroller around like a wild woman!

Finally...we got in for awards, and (drum roll)
TAH-DAH! She placed in four out of the five events! She recieved a 5th on bars, 6th on beam, 10th on floors, and 10th place all around! The only level four senior from her YMCA to place !

We were (and always are) very proud!
Way to go Haven!
Woohoo!!! Congratulations!!!!